Apr 8, 2024

Meet Richard.
Richard had been a 20+ a day smoker for 35 years. He lives a busy life with work and his family and his reasons for wanting to stop smoking, were for all the obvious reasons like health, money etc, but he had recently experienced some serious health issues which spurred on the need to stop. This resulted in the perfect combination to stop smoking: that of his own health and of course the impact on his family.
Richard had 4 hypnotherapy sessions in total. The first 3 sessions were to help empty his stress bucket while the last session focused purely on stopping smoking.
I am happy to say that Richard has not smoked now for over 2 years. Yes, he has saved money obviously, but most importantly he has dramatically improved his health as well as the risk of any further health issues. Both he and his wife (who also had a stop smoking session with me) have kicked the habit and are enjoying all the benefits this brings.
By stopping smoking completely, they have reduced their risk of a heart attack by 50% and risk of cancers have dropped, particularly lung, oesophageal, and throat cancers, and these will continue to reduce with each and every day they no longer smoke. Plus, another big bonus is the boost their immune system receives, so recovery from any possible further illnesses are so much better and stronger.
Hypnotherapy gives you an 80% better chance of changing your habits, so the odds are pretty much in your favour.
You can catch Richard and his wife's testimonial below but here is some of it...
"We decided to give hypnotherapy a go, that was over 4 months ago (written Feb 2022) and we can both honestly say we have never felt better thanks to Penny, she made us feel comfortable and was very reassuring, after just one appointment we were smoke free."
I get a yearly reminder from Richard to say he is still not smoking.