Does hypnotherapy really work?
Nov 3, 2023

Well, it must surely be in the eye of the beholder, no?
I would of course say "absolutely it works!" But I may not be the most objective person to ask. But I also wouldn't have given up my so-called career to set up my business which is centred around hypnotherapy, if I didn't think there was any truth or integrity in it. The best evidence I can offer is that of my clients, and with the changes that has happened for them. Also, the wonderful testimonials and case studies (watch this space), which you can read for yourself and then make your mind up.
Space and energy are 2 key ingredients to hypnotherapy and by creating and increasing both these elements within, changes so much. We all have the capacity and ability to create much needed space within our brains, and we are essentially made up of energy so, it's a win-win situation. What astounds me, on a daily basis, is how much depth and dimension we have in these brains of ours, which are not physically that big considering. They weigh on average anything from 1.5 - 1.3 kg (as an adult) yet they hold vast caverns of information that we use consciously, unconsciously, and subconsciously! So trying to understand that conceptually, in our sometimes linear belief systems, can be a challenge. But it is not impossible and our ability to imagine, dream and change our way of thinking not only proves this but is also quite phenomenal. To me anyway! Plus, it has a huge impact on us physically as well as emotionally, mentally, spiritually.
A few years ago, and it has stuck with me, I read the enigmatic neurosurgeon Henry Marsh's book, Do No Harm, as he described slicing into the physical brain and wondering how it measures against all the thoughts, ideas and phenomena that he was cutting into! Not sure how to get my head around that one, but what a thought to have - and where is that thought now? In his brain? In my brain and now yours? In 1000's of other readers of his books' brains? And if we have that part of our brain cut out where does it go? (Brilliant book and would highly recommend).
Well, one thing I know we can do is we can change our thoughts and thought patterns. And that is where hypnotherapy comes in. As in previous blogs, I have talked about the basic biology of how it works, but some people still remain sceptical. I cannot change their thought pattern, unless they come and have some hypnotherapy! But what I can do is bang on about how effective it is. It is by no means a replacement to other therapies. I am very respectful and also past and present user of other alternative therapies, and always recommend to clients if and when appropriate. I do love a collaboration of therapy.
And one thing I know well, is that hypnotherapy is possibly one of the best collaborators with most or arguably all other alternative therapies. Because what it does, is to make physical and emotional change happen. And quickly too. Of course there is an element of partnership with client and therapist; as a client you have to pull your emotional/mental weight but this is relevant with all therapies. You can't just take a pill and make it all go away. But that is also the beauty of it too; hard-work is so rewarding and has a much deeper and more fundamental effect to the changes made, therefore prolonging the "change's" lifespan, so-to-speak. A lovely quote that I have been sharing recently is Rumi's "The wound is the place where the light enters you", turning pain around from something we may want to run from or bury deeply inside, in to something that can make us grow and understand more fully. Hypnotherapy can take the sting out all sorts of pain. And quickly too. Then we can either do something else to move on, i.e. more therapies, or just carry on with our lives enjoying and growing from the changes we have made.
So does hypnotherapy work for anything? Anxiety? Weightloss? Being smoke free? Well, I can only take a horse to water, but I can't make it drink. But if you need that change and support and feel like you're stuck, then find yourself a decent hypnotherapist and give it a go.
Thank you for reading